Monday, November 24, 2008

Memory Book Update

I recently got an email from Creative Reunions, that says the following -- Just in case you didn't receive it:

Dear Classmate:
What a great time everyone had at the reunion!  Now you can relive that night or if you weren't able to attend you can see photos of all your old friends.  If you're looking for photos for a Christmas card or an easy gift idea?  Here they are!  All of the photos have been uploaded to our website. So don't wait, check them out by going to  and clicking on Reunion Photos. 
If you have any candid photos that you took at the reunion, don't keep them to yourself! You can add them to our website for your fellow alumni to see. Just send them to us at or put them on a CD and mail to: 
Creative Reunions
24248 Crenshaw Blvd., Suite 210
Torrance, CA 90505 
It is a pleasure to service your photography needs. Please contact us directly if you have any questions. 
Enjoy your photos, and have a great holiday! 
Creative Reunions

The Memory Book, according to Creative Reunions, typically takes at least 6 months after the reunion to compose. As long as they have your current address, you should be receiving it if it was pre-ordered. If it wasn't pre-ordered, there is still time to do so. 

The price of the Memory Book is $25 if you pay by check, and according to a Creative Reunions representative, 

"If someone wants to pay with credit card it will be an additional $4 fee for processing.  I think it can also be purchased via our web site, but the credit card processing fee that way varies because they use a percentage of the total and may have a minimum fee amount."

Creative Reunions only prints a few extra copies of the pre-ordered memory items and those are first come/first served with regard to late orders, so timely orders are recommended.

If you need to order one, you can call Creative Reunions at (310) 539-0111. You can also go on their website at to view or purchase individual pictures taken by the photographer the night of the reunion. The portraits and some candid shots will be included in the Memory Book, and will have the names added to help everyone remember who is in the photos.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday break! 

Warm wishes to all.

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